Director of Kid’s Ministry

Michelle has a passion to lead a team who let kids experience who Jesus is and how he loves us all so very much. Besides running a great team on Sunday morning, she gives the families many fun resources for them to use Monday - Saturday in their walk with Christ.

If you and your family would like to visit the kid’s ministry before you come on Sunday morning, please feel free to reach out to Michelle. She would love to give you a tour of the Kid’s area, so your kids are comfortable when they come.

Sunday Morning


When you first walk into the children’s area, our staff will greet you and walk you through the check-in process. We use our digital check-in system—Planning Center—to get some basic contact information (plan on spending 5 minutes for your first check-in; after that the process takes about 30 seconds). Once you and your kid are registered, you will both receive printed name tags with matching codes. If your child needs you before the end of worship service, their number will appear on the screens in the Worship Center. If you are not able to respond to this, we will send a text.


Come back to the children’s area, where one of our volunteers will match the code on the parent tag with the code on the kid’s tag.


We take the safety of your child seriously. Once the last parent has checked-in their child, the doors to the children’s area is locked—preventing anyone from entering without permission. Every person serving in the Kids area undergoes a background check before being allowed to serve.

We also realize food allergies can be very serious, so we have chosen to provide only a few basic snacks—cheerios, fruit snacks, graham crackers and fish crackers. If your child has any food allergies, these allergies will be listed on their name tag, and we will ensure your child is not exposed to any of the foods.

Today and Tomorrow

Because we believe what happens Monday through Saturday is just as if not more important as what happens on Sunday, Berkley has chosen a program that encourages our kids to interact with Biblical truth, both in church and at home. Our dedicated volunteers faithfully serve to help build a passion for God each kid can display to be an example of God’s love to everyone around them.

Our Focus Preschool


Preschool children begin learning how to develop a healthy view of God and the world. With games and stories, they begin to learn that Jesus loves them.


Young children learn about community when they receive consistent care from loving and capable adult volunteers and just being around others.


Even from a young age, children can practice serving—especially in the family and at home. Special preschool events and church-wide serving projects are other great ways preschoolers begin to serve others.

Our Focus Elementary


Elementary students learn amazing things about the character of God and that He can be trusted. With high energy, interactive large and small groups, students uncover practical ways to be more like Jesus and respond to the world around them.


Relationships are an essential part of growth. Elementary students meet in small groups where they learn they can trust God and others. Small group leaders help the children dig deeper with group discussions and community activities.


Elementary students really begin to understand how to live like Jesus when they learn to serve. We talk about serving our family, our friends, our schools and in our community. We also encourage children to take part with their families in church-wide mission and service projects.

Child Dedication

Commit to raising your child in the way of Jesus with Child Dedication.

Child Dedication is a special experience following the second service on the Sundays below. This is designed to give parents the opportunity to publicly commit to raising their child in the way of Jesus.

There is a required meeting after you complete the Child Dedication Booklet with our Children’s Director.


April 27, 2025